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Guardian Angel - Act II - Scenes 4 & 5


Spero sits at the end of a very long table.  To one side of him sits Lucian, with Camilla sitting across the table.

As for the table itself, it’s a tree root growing out of the earth.

Far down, at the head of the table, Elior sits with Michael at his right hand side.  They both seem to be in their own worlds, having their own conversations.

Spero watches them intently.

                          LUCIAN (O.S.)

Spero comes to and turns to Lucian.


                     You’re staring.  You should be eating.

Other angels we haven’t met show their agreement by offering Spero a fruit, glowing with golden light.

Spero takes it and holds the fruit in his hand, scrutinizing it.

                     What is it?

                     Fruit from the tree.

She tilts her head up.  Spero looks up to see a constellation of golden lights nestled against the haloed form of the mammoth tree.

                    Same as the first man and woman ate.

Mortals could never reach fruit so high up.

The tree was not always so tall.  It was much younger in the days of the first mortals.  But with time and nourishment, it did what all things do.

Spero looks up at it again, hanging so high above them all.  So lush.  So enclosing.

The father does not give us challenges we can’t overcome.  Each day, we fly up and pluck what we need.  Truly, he is good.

Spero lowers his gaze, rejoining his friends at the table.
So, any idea how you came to be in the hills?  Did Elior say anything?

He doesn’t know.  And he won’t ask.

It’s not his place to, is it?  The Father put you where he did for a reason.  What does it matter what that reason was.  You’re here now.

I suppose.  There is just so much I do not know.

Spero looks up at Camilla.

                     How did you come here?

He turns to Lucian.

                     Both of you?

Lucian and Camilla share an uneasy look.

We don’t know.  Like you, we awoke here.  In the base of the great tree.

We all did.  Left with Elior to care for us, until we were able to care for ourselves.

Who left you?

You know why you are here, yes?  Elior explained it to you?

Spero nods.

This is our reward, Spero.  Our refuge.  A small piece of home nestled away in a corner of the waking world.  Is it not enough for you?

Spero looks around at the beautiful faces laughing together.  He sees the lush greens, blues and pinks of life actively growing before his eyes.

And he takes in the majesty of that great, golden tree.

                     It is.  Of course it is.

Lucian and Camilla’s growing concern disappears instantly, giving way to easy smiles and delighted giggles.

Lucian puts a hand on Spero’s shoulder and squeezes.

                     I’ve missed you brother.

                     And I you.

Camilla reaches out a hand.  Spero takes it.


                     Welcome home, brother dear.

Lucian raises a piece of fruit, like a wine glass ready to toast. 

Camilla picks up a piece herself.  Spero lets go of her hand and grabs his own.

All three hold the golden fruit up, ceremoniously.  They bow their heads toward each other for a brief moment.  Then, with heads upright and eyes open, they eat the fruit together.


A)  EXT. THE OPEN FIELD – DAY - The three friends walk in the open field they first reconnected in.  Lucian and Camilla are laughing as Spero talks – like he’s recounting a story of theirs that hadn’t been shared in a long time.  Lucian breaks out into a gleeful cackle as Spero, the most animated we’ve seen him, emphasizes the climax with his hands.
B) EXT. THE BEACH – DAY – The three of them look out from a pristine shore.  The perfectly calm, serene ocean water extends out as far as the eye can see.  There is no trace of anything else dotting the horizon.
C) EXT. HILLTOP – DUSK - From a place that looks suspiciously like where we met Spero, Lucian gestures out with his arm toward the green, lush parts of the island as though he’s laying out the geography.  Spero looks at his friend, then glances over toward the stark side of the island – the side that neither Lucian nor Camilla are focused on.
D) EXT. THE LAGOON – NIGHT - Lucian, Camilla and Spero sit by the most gorgeous, crystal lagoon.  The surface of it reflects the golden glow of the fruits in the trees.



Spero looks at his reflection in the still, serene pool.  The face looking back at him is a perfect reflection of him, except for a golden sheen that lays overtop of it – a reflection of the golden light of the fruit above him.

Behind him, also reflected in the water behind a sheen of gold, Lucian and Camilla sit. 

It’s amazing how much this place feels like home.

Mm.  A perfect recreation.

Spero dips his finger into the water, causing it to ripple. All of their reflections are suddenly distorted.


Well my dears.  This has been a day.  But I think I shall head back. 

I’ll come with you.  Spero?

                     I’m not ready for bed just yet. 

                     No.  I don’t suppose you would be.

                     Do you know the way back?

If this really is a perfect recreation of home, then one can always find their way back.

Spero stands and hugs Camilla.

                     Don’t be too long.

                     I won’t.

They separate, and Spero hugs Lucian.

Stay put, now.  Don’t go wandering in the dark. 

Afraid I’ll fall?

Lucian doesn’t answer.  Instead, he and Camilla nod their final goodbyes uneasily, turn and walk back through the surrounding green.

Spero turns back to the lagoon.  He sits himself on a high rock that overlooks the whole body of water.

His gaze goes from the placid water up to the land that lay across it.  It looks much the same as the living curtain of grass, leaves and vines that’s behind him.  Only, it looks less lush than where he’s come from.  Less full.  And here and there, Spero spots thorns growing out of the vines. 

Spero sits up suddenly, his body shivering – as though he was shaking off an oncoming sleep.  He grabs at his waist, pulling out the BROKEN SWORD he had tucked away in the cave.

He sits incredibly still, looking down at it.  Scrutinizing it. 

Finally, he shakes his head.  He stands, holding the relic out in front of him.  He walks toward the lagoon.

WE FOLLOW his reflection as it grows on the water – first his head, then his hand, arm, body, etc.  Once the former angel is fully reflected in still mirror, he stops.

His eyes are fixed on the broken sword in his hand, held firmly over the body of water. 

WE SEE WHAT HE SEES.  The sword in perfect detail, while the world around it blurs into nothing but gold and green.  WE FOLLOW along from Spero’s hand to the small hilt, then to the widening blade, until we reach the abrupt, broken end.

And then something in the background, A SHADOW against the gold and green, MOVES.

Spero’s head rises, and he focuses on something we can’t yet see.  He lets his arm fall, but he doesn’t let the sword go. 

Across the water, stands a withered husk of black brambles and branches.  It’s humanoid in shape, and it stands as tall as Spero, with skeletal wings, black as onyx, outspread. 

                     (What the fuck?)

The creature let’s out a piercing WAIL – the challenge.  It leans forward, bestial in its readiness to lunge.

We move back across the peaceful water, to find Spero on the opposite shore.  The former soldier stands at the ready, poised for battle, with the broken sword set to strike.

We PULL BACK to take it all in, the angel on one side and the devil on the other.  Then, we hear that piercing WAIL.

And the fiend leaps forward, wings spreading, and thorny claws outstretched in attack.

                          END OF ACT II


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