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Guardian Angel - Act II - Scenes 1, 2 & 3



A startled Spero sits up on the stone alter.  His eyes are racing, taking in his surroundings.

Nothing but pale stone looks back at him.  Finally, he settles on a circular arch that looks like it could be the recesses of a door – but it’s blocked by a stone slab.

Spero swings over the alter, letting his legs dangle off the edge.  He spots the broken sword artifact on the sandy floor.

Spero hops off the alter and bends down, taking the sword fragment into his hands and scrutinizing it.  He touches it with his free hand, then slowly brings that free hand up to his ear.

He shakes it off.  Whatever he’s feeling doesn’t matter right now.  He stands up.


Spero rolls his shoulders back, his eyes scrunched closed in pain. 

He brings that free hand up, past his neck, and feels around on his back, by his shoulder blades.

We watch as his hand moves closer and closer to the nub of what looks like the root of his wing.  It’s not stained with any kind of human, or angelic, blood, but the root looks damaged.  Not whole.

Spero’s hand gets closer to it.  Closer.  His finger brushes against the nub.


Spero’s cry echoes in the cave as he falls to his knees.  He takes a moment to breathe, then he looks up.

He spots the cave door again.  He tucks the sword artifact into his belt, and makes straight for the entrance.
Carefully, he puts two hands on the stone and pushes.  It doesn’t budge.

Spero takes a moment, exhales, then begins pushing again.  He pushes with all his God-given might, and finally we hear and see the rumblings of stone moving.

Then Spero begins to move forward.  He keeps moving, slowly and steadily.  Sunlight breaks through the border of the stone door, but Spero doesn’t see it.  He just keeps going, until finally…


Spero pushes the stone door off along a small rocky path, until there is no more path.  The stone door, which was just a giant boulder, falls over the side of something almost taking Spero with it.

Spero backs away, noticing that on a small outcropping overlooking the most bi-polar looking island Spero has ever seen.

To the left, Spero marvels at lush, vibrant greenery.  There is so much greenery, in fact, that he can’t really see anything else.  It looks to him as though the green is consuming itself – trees eating other trees, vines eating other vines, and so on. 

Except for one glorious tree that grows tall, so much higher above all the others.  It stands in the very center of the green space, and its bark is pure gold with leaves of silver.  Golden, glowing fruit hangs from its branches.

Spero turns from that glorious tree, to look at the right side of the island. 

It’s sparse.  What foliage there is isn’t dead, but it isn’t lush.  It’s filled more with pine trees, brambles, anything that could survive in a desert.

The land itself is black and grey, like soot after a fire, and the terrain looks incredibly difficult.  There are no straight, open roads on this side.  It’s all windy pathways that don’t’ begin or end in Spero’s sight.

There is no great tree on this side.  There are plenty of thin pine trees with dark bristles that scatter the landscape in small clumps.
Turning from the land, Spero finds a rocky path that leads from the outcropping, down the high hill he’s on into the green space.  He heads down it.


At the bottom of the hill, Spero notices a much easier path than what he’s been struggling down.  It’s smooth and leads straight through a tunnel of overgrown trees and plants.

He looks over, and fifteen feet from where he now stands he spots the stone boulder he rolled over the outcropping ledge.

Suddenly, a male child pops out of the bushes right in front of him.  The child looks to be no older than four, and is plump with red cheeks.

Oh, another thing.  The child is FLYING.  Spero notices the tyke’s wings.

The little flying kid notices Spero’s sword artifact at his belt.

                     Help!  Fiend!

The kid turns tale and flies down the smooth road.


Spero gives chase. 


Spero runs hard after the flying child, constantly batting away huge branches and leaves – obstacles the kid easily avoids because he can fly.

Spero gets closer to the kid, so close he could reach out and grab him, which he tries to do.  His open hand hovers over the shoulder of the boy, and just as it closes…

The kid zooms up into the sky.  Spero watches him as he gets smaller and smaller.  But Spero is still running forward, not keeping his eyes on the road.

The angel hits a wall of green.  Giant leaves wrap themselves around and vines gently ensnare him.  But nothing holds taught, and Spero pushes past them finally coming to…


Spero stops in his tracks.  He’s at the start of a small grassy field that is surrounded by a giant golden root. 

In the field, he sees all manner of other angels – children, middle-aged, old – congregating in this field.  Some are sitting, some are walking, others playing. 

But his presence has interrupted them.  They all turn to see this stranger.

                          CHILD (O.S.)
                     Fiend!  Fiend!

The other angels begin to panick, as the boy who Spero lost sight of races back into view just above them all.  The child points an accusatory finger at Spero, as if it needed to be made any more clear.

                     Wait, I’m no…

But before he can finish, Spero is violently pulled up from the back.  In the blink of an eye, he’s got a bird’s eye view of the base of the tree, because now he’s in…


Spero looks up, but he can’t spot the face of the angel carrying him.  The both of them are just going up.

Finally, they stop.  Spero tries to get a glimpse of the angel’s face, but it’s backlit by the sun.

                          FLYING ANGEL
Who are you fiend?  How did you get past the watchers?

I am no fiend, brother.  I’m Spero.  Archangel in the service of He on High, the same as you. 

Do not call me that, fiend!  We are not borne of the same Father.  How did you come here?  What do you want?

I am Spero.  Archangel in the service of He on High.  And I awoke in the hill that looks over this place only a few moments ago.

If it is as you say, then where are your wings?

I do not know.

The Flying Angel lifts Spero up to his face.  The angel is ruggedly handsome, though more rugged than handsome.  Time and care have clearly worn him down.  But at seeing Spero’s face, LUCIAN offers a great big smile.


Spero.  It is you!

Lucian hugs Spero in the air, and Spero hugs back, also holding on for dear life.

How did you get here?  The escorted are always brought to the village.

Lucian, could we talk on the ground?

Surely you’re not afraid of flying.
No.  I’m afraid of falling.

Lucian holds Spero out like an adult holding up a seven year old.

                     You are wingless.  How can that be?

I don’t know.  But I’m happy to
tell you what I do know down there.

Lucian smiles mischievously.


Lucian plops Spero down like that asshole adult from before who was lifting up an eight year old.  Then the angel lands gracefully.

As Spero gathers himself, his eye catches something.


Out of the crowd that has reformed, who look on Spero suspiciously, an older looking female angel steps out.

CAMILLA is stocky and short, with gleaming silver hair, but the stern look on her face melts into a smile as she gets closer.



She charges him, wrapping him in a bear hug.  Spero has just enough time to catch his breath and start to return her hug before she breaks away and looks him up and down.

                     Where are your wings?
                     He doesn’t know.

Camilla eyes Spero quizzically.  Finally, she turns to the other angels gathered round.

It’s alright everyone.  Spero is one of us. 

She turns back to Spero.

                     He’s a friend.

                          VOICE (O.S.)
                     That is for Elior to decide.

Out of the throng, a huge angel pushes through.  He’s taller than all the rest, and armed to the teeth with gleaming, angelic arms.  This bear of an angel is MICHAEL.


Spero kneels, bowing his head before Michael.

                     On your feet, fiend.

Spero looks up at Michael.


Spero stands.

                     Where did you come from?

Spero points to the high hill, in clear view from where they all stand.

                     Sir.  You know me.


I did.  But times have changed.  You did not come here in the proper way.  You just appeared.  Like a weed, springing up out of the ground. 

Michael leans down and in.  His fiery blue eyes gleaming and reflecting off of Spero’s face.

But Spero does not back down.

                     I am no weed.
That is not for you, or I, to judge.  Elior is the arbiter.  He will decide. 

Then lead on, captain.

Michael turns and begins walking.  Spero follows.

The crowd parts, making way for the two archangels as they head straight for the base of the tree.


A grand circular forum, calling to mind those of the Greeks or the Romans, only the size of the Coliseum.

Surrounding the open space, with golden lights canvassing the space like stars in the night sky.

Covering all available surfaces is the same lush green as outside.  This indoor microcosm shows more overtly the claustrophobic nature hinted at in the field, with pulsing vines and beating walls – a beating heart, which the land surrounding it imitates.

Michael leads Spero to the center of the room. 

All around them, angels work tending the violently growing foliage.  They trim it back, push it apart, etc. 

Spero spots other groups collecting the golden fruit.

Finally, the pair stop at a dais in the center of the room.  At the top of the dais, sits another older looking wizard.  He looks like a miniature tree himself, only one not so thick and healthy as the one they’re all in.  He’s stick thin, and sits with a hand to his brow as if trying to prop up his head because it’s too heavy.  This is ELIOR.

                     Elior, this is Spero.

                     What?  Sorry?

Michael signals for Spero to step forward.  Spero does.
                     Spero.  He used to serve with me.

                     He’s an archangel? 

Addressing Spero.

                     You’re an archangel?


Michael interrupts.

He was.  Claims he still is, but his wings have been cut.   

Spero looks shocked at this revelation.  He reaches a hand back to the nubs on his back.

                     Says he came from the high hill.

                     The high hill?

Arbiter, I have never known any of the heavenly host to simply spring up out of the ground.  They descend from on high, right here, and with fair warning. Has that changed?

No.  Not to my knowledge.

Michael looks at Spero.

                     Then he is lying.

                     I am not.

Michael grabs Spero.  He draws a sword at his belt.

                     Wait!  Please!

Michael does.  He looks back up at the arbiter.

Fiends are to be slain, yes?  That is still the law of the Father?


                     Then why should I wait?

Elior doesn’t have an answer, and it shows. 

                     Please.  Let me talk to him. 

Michael considers a moment, then finally lets Spero go.


Elior waves Spero up onto the dais.  Spero takes a step, but his arm is grabbed by Michael.

Michael doesn’t look at Spero, but keeps his eyes on Elior.

But I will remain.  Right here.  Watching.

Michael releases Spero’s arm, and the wingless angel walks up onto the dais.

Elior motions for Spero to sit.  Spero does.  Elior follows suit.

                     You say you came from the high hill?

                    Yes.  I was awakened in a tomb.

                     Awakened?  What woke you?

It was a mortal, I think.  Or, the shade of one.  But when I asked her who she was, she vanished.

Spero pulls out the sword artifact from his belt.

                     She dropped this.

Elior takes the artifact and studies it. 

                     It’s one of their weapons.  A sword.

Yes.  And an old one, at that.  From Jerusalem, I think.

Yes.  My last charge was a preacher who ministered there. 


A Jewish teacher called Jesus.  Of Nazareth.
Jesus?  What do you remember of him?

We HOLD on Spero, getting ready for the recollection to ensue.


A) EXT. DESERT HILLTOP – DAY – Spero stands behind a tree near a kneeling Jesus Christ as he ministers.  The crowd gathered is hanging on his every word.  A young woman offers a basket to the teacher.  Jesus looks in to find two small fish and a loaf of bread.  He looks out to the massive crowd, who eye the basket hungrily.  He looks down at the basket, exhales, and puts a hand on it as he prays. 

B) EXT. OCEAN BORDER – NIGHT – A violent storm rips the sea apart.  Jesus stands on the shore, looking out to a boat being tossed and turned in the middle of the sea.  The men in the small boat are flailing and screaming – whether or not they’re calling out for Jesus, or just for help in general, isn’t defined.  Spero stands right next to the prophet, unseen by Jesus, but taking in the teacher’s concern over his disciples in the boat.  Christ bows his head and prays.  Then he offers that familiar exhale, and begins walking out into the water. 

C) INT. THE LAST SUPPER – A lively table of apostles, drinking heartily and enjoying one another’s company.  At the head of the table, Jesus sits quiet, watching his friends in this joy.  Spero stands in a corner, watching Jesus watch them.  A shifty, nervous apostle, JUDAS, enters quieting some of the joy.  Spero follows Jesus’s intent gaze to Judas, who walks to an empty place at the table with a heavy coin purse tied to his waist.  Jesus turns from Judas to a burly, overly boisterous apostle sitting a few places away, PETER, who drains his wine cup and pours himself another.  A maiden drops the loaves of bread and pitcher of wine in front of Jesus.  Once again, we see that familiar exhale.  With the attention of the table focused on Jesus, he bows his head, taking the hands of the men to his right and left, and prays.


Only glimpses.  Echoes.  Why?

Spero, Jesus has become one of the leading religious figures in all the mortal world.  Millions worship him as they would the Creator.

How can that be?

Because after he died, word of him and his message spread.  His story has been spoken, written, studied and analyzed for over two thousand years.

Spero’s eyes widen.  Slowly, he stands.  Behind him, Michael puts a hand on a sword, just waiting.

What is this place?  It looks like the kingdom of paradise, but it isn’t.

It is, actually.  The paradise made on Earth, for the first man and the first woman to dwell in.  You are in Eden.


If I had to guess, I’d say you’re here for the same reason we all are.  You’ve suffered.  You served as best you could, but something broke you.  The Father, in his Grace, has granted you peace.

Is that why I only have snatches of Jesus and his ministry?

I don’t know.  Whatever great pain I suffered, I have no recollection of at all.  And I don’t go seeking it, either.  With questions and belabored recollection.  You have been given a gift, Spero.  The Father has blessed you.  Leave the pain in the dark, where it belongs.  And join us here, in the light.

What of his story of waking in the hill?

You’re just as bad as Spero, Michael.  Who are we to question how our brother was brought to us? 

But he could be a fiend!

I don’t believe he is.  And that is not our way.  We do not cast judgment without merit.  Fiends cannot hide their true natures for long.  If Spero is a fiend, he will be found out in time.  But if he isn’t, and you slayed a brother…could you live with yourself?

Michael doesn’t answer.  He just bows his head.


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