“Yes,” Van replied simply, still with a smile on his face. “Undoubtedly. Finnian Pell is still my brother. You were my brother too, once.”
“I still am,” Thrace barked. “Perhaps an older brother, admittedly. I think the two of you are fools and I do not believe this is a good idea. Van, you have natural talent but it takes discipline to be a soldier.”
“Thrace please,” Van grew earnest and let the smile fall from his face. “Let me prove to you that I am not a cynical man. I simply have not found what I was put on this earth to do. I want to do something I believe in, with people I believe in. Let me fight for you.”
Thrace looked hard at Van, studying the resolve of this would-be recruit.
“You’re drunk,” Thrace said simply.
“A bit, yes,” Van admitted, the smile returned so easily. “But I’m honest when I’m drunk.”
“Please Thrace,” Finnian pushed.
“You understand you’ll have to change your entire way of living if you join my battalion?” Thrace put to Van.
“Of course,” Van answered.
“Will you?” Thrace pressed.
“I will,” Van put a hand to his heart.
“Then let us drink to our newest recruit…” Thrace raised his glass.
Van and Finnian looked at each other with stunned smiles. Quickly, they raised their mugs and touched them together with Thrace’s so that all three vessels were linked above their heads.
“…and to the dyad of Finnian Pell and Van Orel.”
“Here here,” Van and Finnian said as one.
The three of them brought down their mugs and drank deep. Then, they talked - for hours; about the past, about the present, and all the possibilities that this new, exciting future held for them.
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