knight quickly scanned his immediate surrounding area for the strongest vine he
could find. He found a beautifully thick
one a few feet to the right of where he was standing.
He turned his head back to the giant
just in time to see his massive arms coming down in another tremendous
attack. With sword in hand, he jumped
out of the way just in time. The
reverberation from the blow caused him to lose his footing, but the warrior
jumped up as quick as he could and sprinted toward the vine.
He grabbed it, and without missing a
step, turned toward Alteus and began running toward the son of earth. Alteus was readying his tentacles again, but
just before they shot out the earth shook.
The knight was surprised. He hadn’t expected this tactic, but almost
instinctively he leapt into the air to avoid losing his balance. When he landed, he took the thick vine and
ran with the free end of it around Alteus, so that it circled loosely around
the giant’s midsection.
A few paces before him, the warrior saw
a heavy rock. He silently thanked the
gods, because he hadn’t thought of what he would do when he got to this
point. Instead, he ran to the rock and
lifted it as quickly as he could, placing the free end of the vine underneath
it. Then he let the rock come down and
pulled at the plant to make sure it would hold.
Alteus had turned to face the knight
again; it’s back to the big tree. It was
quicker this time. The giant was
extremely frustrated, and the warrior could feel its anger rumbling underneath
the surface of the misty earth. It
wasn’t going to be holding back. That
was just fine, because the warrior had no intention of holding back either.
The young hero held up his sword and
slowly broke into a charge. Alteus set
loose the vines. They were coming at the
young knight with a blinding speed. It
took all his focus to deflect one, slice another, but there were too many. Swinging wildly kept the tentacles from his
upper body, but his waist and legs were already entangled, and he was slowly
being dragged toward Alteus.
The knight was directly in front of the
giant when he was brought to halt.
Alteus’s empty eye sockets ignited with the flame from his midsection,
and he raised his massive arms in preparation to crush his opponent. If the knight’s plan was to work, now was the
time to act.
With a mighty swing, the knight sliced
through one of the Alteus’s legs. The
vines immediately set him loose, and it was obvious that Alteus was in
incredible pain. The knight didn’t
hesitate, he readied his blade and the arc of his swing came around again,
severing the other leg. With nothing
steadying it, the giant began toppling forward to the ground.
As quick as a flash, the knight pulled
the vine free from under the rock and began sprinting towards the massive tree,
where the other end was secure high up in the branches. The momentum of the knight’s running and
pulling flung the torso of Alteus up against the wide trunk of the expansive
tree. The knight ran around that great
trunk in circle after circle, securing Alteus’s body to it. Once he’d finished, he tied the loose end of
the vine he held to one of the lower branches of the tree.
Alteus was wriggling under the
vine. Already the giant’s body was
attaching itself to the tree, trying to draw strength from it the knight
suspected. It wouldn’t get the chance to
The stalwart warrior drew his sword,
and with a battle cry he thrust the sword into the chest of Alteus the earth
giant, driving it in to the hilt. The
flame that burned inside the chest of Alteus died out, and its body went limp. It had been defeated.
The knight went to his knees, the exhaustion
of everything he’d done catching up with him.
He breathed in deep. The wind
blew past him, and he could hear the princess’s voice faintly calling out for
help. At that moment, he wanted
desperately to rest. But he came to this
island to find her, and saving her was all that mattered.
Wearily, he stood up. It took great effort, but he pulled his sword
free of the tree. The corpse of Alteus
was held firm by the vine. The knight
looked down at himself. What once used
to be a white under-tunic had become stained dark green and brown with the
effort of his toil against the earth giant.
A breeze blew past him, carrying upon it faint cries for help from the
Princess Cecily. Slowly, the young hero
walked in the direction the wind led him, the sun setting slowly in the
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