Part II
There were, at least, a dozen ways to
handle the situation: super speed, super strength, sun vision, and so on. Paragon stood on the rooftop in
readiness. His hands weren’t on his hips, his chest wasn’t sticking out. He was hunching forward slightly, ready to
make his move at a moment’s
Other superheroes may have delighted
in the challenge of a madman using one hand to hold a gun to a woman’s head while the second hand held a
doomsday trigger to some unknown and immeasurable threat; a bomb maybe, or a
toxic nerve gas. The scenarios ran
through Paragon’s
head at lightning speed.
Other heroes may have been able to
tune out the cries for help on the streets; from survivors pinned under debris
and the rescue teams who couldn’t physically get around the wreckage to help. Paragon couldn’t. He heard every
cry, every siren and every agitated chief demanding that his
firemen/policemen/construction workers do more to clear a path.
Paragon heard all of that. His body shivered with the anticipation of
getting off this roof; with the yearning to get out there and help these
people. But this man, Gavin Godfried,
had to be stopped. Not for the woman. Paragon knew that Godfried would avoid
hurting her if he could. She was there
for the hero. There to buy Godfried that
split second he’d
need to push the trigger button if Paragon decided to move. Still, there were, at least, a dozen ways for
Paragon to handle the situation. But the
doomsday trigger kept him at bay. For in
the face of an unknown weapon, even super powers were useless.
want it to come to this,” Gavin
said. There was a slight quaver in his
did you want?” Paragon
asked, keeping his tone level.
wanted it to work this time!” Gavin screamed. Not
a scream of anger, or rage. Rather it
felt to Paragon like one of desperation.
swear to god, I just wanted to live…quietly. Read a
book, watch TV, maybe get into sports…” he trailed off into a mumble.
didn’t you
then?” Paragon
asked sternly, trying to keep Godfried focused.
There were a lot of people who needed help, and he wasn’t about to allow Godfried a
“Don’t condescend to me! You know perfectly well why. Because it’s mundane!
Pedestrian! Boring!”
Godfried began to rail. “Every few months I would tell myself that I wanted boring;
that I was sick of the death traps and giant robots and plans for world
domination. And I really was. I’d give it all up for a while. But then, slowly, inspiration would
strike. I’d start getting ideas about how to do things better than I
had before. A stronger robot, a more
lethal laser…and I
would get excited. I mean, it’s engineering for god’s sake!”
“Maybe. But what you do hurts people,” Paragon said softly. “It kills them.”
Godfried bent his head into the back
of his hostage’s shoulder.
Paragon’s slight quiver turned into a shudder. He was afraid the woman might try something,
like an elbow to Gavin’s gut or pivoting out of his grip. But she didn’t. She stayed still.
“I don’t
like being passionate about weapons,” Godfried said. “But
I don’t
see them that way. They’re
my creations. My art.”
“It doesn’t
matter Gavin,” Paragon
said. “They’re still
dangerous. And you use them. People have died because of you, and no
amount of rationalizing can wipe that blood off your hands.”
“You think I don’t
know that?!” Godfried
shouted as he waved his gun in the air.
Again, Paragon shuddered. But
again, the woman stayed still. “It’s
so easy for you to moralize, isn’t it? So god damned easy for you to be good and
lord it over us normal people?”
“Excuse me?” Paragon asked heatedly. In the ether of the air around him, he heard
people begging for their lives. But he
was here.
at you!” Godfried’s words poured out of him like a
river that had been damned up for years and finally, finally, the damn had
burst. “Standing there in your skin tight silver suit. Your blue cape billowing behind you. Like an angel come from heaven. Who are you, with all your power, to tell me
about right and wrong like they actually exist?
As if there’s no
IS no gray!” Paragon
shouted. He quickly composed himself as
he saw Godfried’s
eyes widen; though in fear, panic, or sheer defiance, he had no way of
knowing. “You think my power means making the right choice is easy
for me? You think because I can lift a
car or run really fast suddenly cutting someone off in traffic or losing my
temper just don’t
happen anymore? The right choices are
always the harder choices to make. The
more you can do: the more gifts you have: the more options are available to you
for doing right or wrong. It’s no different for a super man than a
mortal one. What is different is that a
super man has to be super. In every way,”
Paragon exhaled. He had gone on a little rant himself.
“That’s an awfully high standard to hold
yourself to,” Gavin
is. Probably too high. But it’s what I have to strive for. Every day.
Even if the rest of the world sees me fail,”
Paragon said. But after he said it, his eyes lit up with
the light of epiphany. “Actually, because the rest of
the world will see me fail. So
they can see a superhero, with all the power in the world, fail at being the
man he is supposed to be. The man they
expect him to be. And then try again;
and again; and again. So that they know
there is no super power that keeps me going.
just conviction. The same conviction we
all have. That’s when they’ll finally understand that the path
to the right choice has no short cuts.
Not even for super men.”
what do you do with the people who don’t want to walk the path of the right choice?”
Godfried asked. “Kill them?”
“I do
what anyone can do. My best,”
Paragon said sadly.
In his ears rang the distant screams
and cries of the victims in the wreckage.
Some were hurt, a few were dying.
But still, Paragon could not leave to help them. Not until he knew exactly how big a threat
Godfried posed.
“That’s all I want to do,”
Gavin pleaded. “But your best makes you a hero, and mine makes me a
villain. So my only choice, it seems, is
to stop doing what I love.”
Gavin. There may be no moral gray
between right and wrong. But the
greatest gift humanity has is creativity.
You called this your art before.
Well, your art as it is now hurts people. So find a way for it not to,”
Paragon finished.
“It’s not that simple,”
Godfried spat.
course not,” Paragon agreed. “But the
joy of creativity does not come from what is simple. It comes from what is hard.”
“Interesting,” Godfried
replied. He looked up then, at some
invisible point above and behind Paragon.
As though he were looking at an incomplete puzzle, trying to see where
this new piece fit in. His eyes were
wrinkled in thought. Then Paragon
noticed a spark. Godfried’s brow lifted
a little, and a small smile came to the genius’s face. This was not a gesture of epiphany; not the light
of realization. Rather, it seemed to
Paragon, it was the beginning of an idea.
Godfried looked at Paragon
then. Paragon looked back, but his ears
and mind were with the city. Calls for
help were finally being answered. Rescue
workers were clearing paths to the most ruined and dangerous parts of the wreckage. People were finding a way.
But there were still those that
needed help. Help only a superhero could
offer. Paragon had been dealing with Godfried
long enough. It was time to end this.
“I’m needed,” Paragon said
flatly. “What do you say Gavin? Will you take up the challenge? Will you solve this riddle?”
Immediately after saying it, Paragon
was struck with an idea. All this time,
he had thought there were, at least, a dozen ways to handle the situation of
Gavin Godfried. But he had been
wrong. There was only one way; this way.
“I will,” Godfried replied as he
released his hostage. She ran to
Paragon. Gavin then threw the ominous doomsday
trigger to the superhero standing only a few feet away. Paragon caught it and quickly crushed it into
“Thank you,” Paragon said.
“I don’t know if you are a hero
really,” Godfried said. “But you’re good
at what you do.”
Gavin Godfried turned around then,
and walked away. He did not turn; did
not give a final gloat or oath of being seen again one day. Instead, he approached the nearest door,
opened it, and entered the building.
“Aren’t you going after him?” the
woman asked concernedly.
“I’m sorry he scared you,” Paragon
said sympathetically. “But you’re safe
now. Stay here. I’ll be back as soon as I can.”
Paragon took to the sky in a blur of
blue and silver. With all his speed, he
raced off to the fallen building. He was
ready to help; rejuvenated at the idea that maybe he already had; and hopeful
that in the never-ending battle between good and evil, one brilliant man was
convinced to at least try doing something different for the simple puzzle of
finding out if the right thing to do was also the worthwhile thing to do.
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