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Showing posts from May, 2015
EVERY DAY SUPERMAN Issue 3: The Heroes We Want           Clarence scanned the rack hurriedly.  He found the issue of Superman he had come to the comic shop to buy and quickly pulled it down off the shelf.  He looked up at the clock that sat above the check-out counter on the opposite side of the rack that held all the latest comics.  “8:45.  I got fifteen minutes before closing.  Ok, I just gotta see what happens next,” Clarence thought as he turned back toward the rack and opened the issue to the first page. It was another splash, hearkening back to the last page of the last issue.  Superman was charging Brainiac with his fists cocked and his eyes glowing a menacing red.  The doomsday clock above Brainiac and the two life-size glass tubes; one holding Jimmy Olsen, the other his mother; read five seconds.  Clarence turned the page. 4 It was a double page spread of Superman, instantly stopped in front of Bra...
EVERY DAY SUPERMAN Issue 2: The People We Love              “How did I not see this coming?” Clarence read as he and Joey walked home side by side.   Both of their heads were buried in comics.             “Brainiac…WHY?” Superman’s thought balloon read on a splash page.   The titular hero was standing in the darkened hull of a space ship.   Horror etched his face as the cyborg Brainiac; fluid in movement and insect-like in appearance; stood between two adult-sized glass tubes.   In one was a sleeping Jimmy Olsen, and in the other an older, sleeping woman with silver hair.             “Hello Superman,” Clarence read on the following page of several small panels, each jockeying between Superman’s face and Brainiac’s face as the pair communicated.      ...