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Part V: An Interlude

       Balric kept his eyes fixed on the ground as he walked.  It was uneven terrain, with puddles here and there of a dark liquid that he could only guess was water.    
It got colder the further they went.  Balric crossed his arms tightly over his chest and hands, trying to warm what he could.  He started shivering slightly and tried to push his mind from his discomfort.  “Don’t think about coats.  Think about how we can keep track of our time here.  Let’s see…accordin to when we left, and factorin how long I think we’ve already been here, I’d say we want to be back at the docks when the sun rises.  Boy, I’d love a sweater right now.  Stop it Balric.  But there’s no way to know when the sun will rise from inside this place.  Ooh, socks would be nice.  Focus!”
But it was eluding him, so Balric chose to try and distract himself.  He looked up, at Declan, to see how his master was faring.  But if the lad was cold he showed no signs of it.  He kept walking, steadily on.
“Balric?”  Declan’s voice came back to him.
“Yes master?”  Balric asked.
“I hope that you are not upset with me,” Declan said.
Balric was taken aback.  “For what sir?” 
“For what I was about to, well, for what I asked you to do back there.  It was monstrous.  Sometimes, I get so blinded by my goal that I cannot see how best to achieve it,” Declan said solemnly.
“Don’t get teary,” Balric told himself to fight off the well of emotion that was beginning to bubble up inside.  “S’quite alright sir.  I didn’t even hear what you asked for, if I’m bein honest.”
“Nevertheless,” Declan said.  “A gentleman holds three things above all else; his honor, his family and his friends.  Tonight, I’m afraid I sullied two of those.  If you had sacrificed your soul at my asking for a simple watch, I would have regretted it forever.”
“Steady.  Steady now Balric,” he thought as the emotional pressure grew inside, threatening to erupt and wreak havoc on his insides. 
“Your silence speaks volumes Balric,” Declan said.  “You deduce I haven’t actually said what I’m trying to say.  Good man.  Good friend.  Let us beat no more bushes and come to it,” Declan stopped then and turned to his manservant.  “Balric, I am sorry.  Can you forgive me?”
The dam burst.  Tears fell from Balric’s eyes in such volume that it felt to him he was swimming.  “Forgiven sir!” he said as he hugged Declan hard.  “A thousand times over!”
“Thank you my friend,” Declan said as he struggled to breathe through the bear hug he was now in.  “Now, onward.  We must find the map to Miranga Island as soon as possible.  Do you have any idea how much time we have left?”
Balric let go of his master and stepped backward, wiping his eyes.  “I don’t sir.  Everythin about this place feels off.  Like you can’t trust your insides here.”
“I know exactly what you mean.  This land has a way of affecting us that goes beyond any preparation we’ve made,” Declan said solemnly.  “Oh well,” he smiled, a hint of excitement in his voice.  “We’ll just have to be extra vigilant, eh Balric?”
“How can you be so…I dunno…offhand about this master?” Balric asked.  “How will we know when we need to head back?  Who knows how long it’ll take given where we’re going.  For that matter, how far into Saltana do we intend to go?  When will we…”
“I don’t know Balric,” Declan said easily, but still with a smile on his face.  “That’s the answer to all your questions.  We either find the map, or die trying.  Together this time.”
“I don’t feel like cryin,” Balric thought, amazed with himself for managing to contain his tears at the prospect of a death pact with Declan.  He still felt anxious, but he took a deep breath and discovered he felt something else as well.  Excitement.  Genuine excitement.  Slowly, a smile spread across his face.
“Then I s’pose there’s no time to waste,” Balric said.
“That’s the spirit, chum,” Declan said.  “On.”
Declan turned and began walking.  Balric followed.  As they continued on silently, Balric studied their surroundings.  When he glanced down, he noticed a little puddle.  As he passed by, a shining light flashed across the surface of one of the dark pools.  He looked up immediately and saw a pale, ghostly imitation of a star flying across the night sky.

“Look at that,” he thought.  “Even in this dark place a little light can still manage to get through.”


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